Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Submit Your Craft Ideas to Discount School Supply

Hi, I’m Tiffany Harbrecht and I’m a copy writer and marketing communications associate here at Discount School Supply. Part of my responsibilities include reviewing craft and activity ideas that are submitted online through the MyCommunity section of the Discount School Supply Web site.

Did you know that you can submit activity ideas to use for use on our site?

If we choose to publish your idea on our site we’ll send you a one-time $50 Certificate for
Discount School Supply!

We're always excited to receive ideas from teachers and parents where our products can be used in new and interesting ways. Here are a few tips when submitting activity ideas:

• Make sure you include the ages of the children for which the activity is most appropriate
• We love activities that involve reusing household items to create something new!
Recycling something from "trash" to "treasure" is a great way to get your activity considered!
• Educational value is important (and it's easy to include!) You don't need to be a teacher to recognize some goals
for craft activities. "Creativity" and "fine motor skills" are educational goals easily met by many activities.
• Open-ended is OK! Not everyone's tree has to look like a tree, and we love that at
Discount School Supply! Skip the directions to "tell the children to color the branches brown" or "trace along the lines" and we'll love your idea even more. Much of early childhood art is about the process, not the end result, and leaving room for a child's imagination to take flight is fantastic!

So let your own imagination take flight and share something creative with
Discount School Supply! I invite you to submit your activity ideas today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a great educational craft idea, but I can't figure out how/where to post it on the Discount School Supply page. Any suggestions?

