Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fun With BioColor® Paint

My name is Whitney Younglove and I work in the customer service department at Discount School Supply. It’s my job to take phone calls and help customers with their orders.

My favorite product that Discount School Supply offers is the BioColor® Paint. I have 2 nephews who are 5 and 4 years old, and they look forward to doing art activities with me every Saturday morning. Every art project we do consists of using a BioColor® product from Discount School Supply. Their favorite project is to make BioPutty®. We pour about 3 cups of the BioPutty® solution into a glass bowl. I then have them pick 2 colors of BioColor® paint. We squirt about 2-3 tablespoons of each color of paint into the solution, and then they mix it around with their hands for about a minute. Once the paint solidifies into putty, they love playing with it. I used to be a teacher, and I know how messy kids can be with paint; however the BioColor® cleans up off our table with warm water and soap, and I always find that it comes right off the kids’ hands. I always do put smocks on the kids to protect their clothing.

Another project my nephews enjoy doing with the BioColor® paint is to make ornaments for holiday gifts for their teachers. The plastic ornaments come in ball, star and heart shapes and are such fun to make for kids of all ages. The ornaments actually open and come in 2 parts. I give each of my nephews an ornament, and have them open it up. I let the kids pick out 2-3 colors of BioColor® paint, and we squirt about 2 tablespoons of paint in each side of the ornament. I then take the two sides of the ornament and close them tightly together until you hear a click. I put a few pieces of masking tape around the ornament, and then I let the kids tap the ornament all around to get the paint spread inside. Once the paint is distributed throughout the ornament, I take the masking tape off, open the ornament and blot out the excess paint onto newspaper. I let the ornaments lay open on the newspaper for 48-72 hours to allow the paint to dry and then re-click the two halves back together and the project is complete. I have found the gold BioColor® and silver BioColor® work great for this. Also, the Colorations Make It Shimmer are a great addition to these ornaments.

I would highly recommend the BioColor® paint for any age level. I think the greatest achievement for children is to do things on their own. These projects are both so easy, and I have personally seen my nephews feel so proud of their artwork. Feel free to shop around for the items I have talked about in the Discount School Supply catalog or at If you have favorite BioColor® activities that I can try with my nephews, I would love to hear them! Thanks!

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